Needle Felted Book or Mobile Phone Bag with Donna Thurston

Union Bay Folk School Building 107th Engineers Memorial Hwy, Ontonagon, MI, United States

Complete a needle-felted bag to hold a book or your mobile phone using a variety of fibers to complete the project. Other pieces such as beads, buttons, leather, and even wood and stones may be used as embellishments. Because you work close to your fingers, you must take caution to ...


Fused Glass with Beth Cox

Union Bay Folk School Building 107th Engineers Memorial Hwy, Ontonagon, MI, United States

Create jewelry components and/or a sun­catcher while learning the ancient techniques of glass fusing. Pieces will be fired off site and returned to you. Ages 12 and older are welcome. A minimum of 4 students must be registered by Monday, July 20 for the class to go. Maximum of 12 ...


Artist Presentation: Lisa Boerema

Union Bay Folk School Building 107th Engineers Memorial Hwy, Ontonagon, MI, United States

Join West Michigan artist Lisa Boerema, while she demonstrates her hard-shell gourd art, providing examples of finished artwork as well as some small gourds that a limited number of participants can decorate during her event or purchase to take home to craft. Lisa uses a variety of techniques and materials ...


Weave a Willow Wall Pouch with Poppy Hatinger

Union Bay Folk School Building 107th Engineers Memorial Hwy, Ontonagon, MI, United States

Weave a wall pouch from U. P. grown and harvested willow rods. Some willow experience is helpful. The challenge in this basket is control of shape. It will be finished with a traditional rod border. Some hand strength is required. Bring bypass pruners, an awl, and a jack knife or ...


Weave a Back Pack Basket with Poppy Hatinger, Session 1 of 2

Union Bay Folk School Building 107th Engineers Memorial Hwy, Ontonagon, MI, United States

Weave a medium size back pack from rattan reed. The size is useful as a day pack. The harness pictured is not included; Poppy will provide information about where you can order a harness. Weaving experience is helpful and not necessary. After 2 days of weaving, you will have a ...


Weave a Back Pack Basket with Poppy Hatinger: Session 2 of 2

Union Bay Folk School Building 107th Engineers Memorial Hwy, Ontonagon, MI, United States

Weave a medium size back pack from rattan reed. The size is useful as a day pack. The harness pictured is not included; Poppy will provide information about where you can order a harness. Weaving experience is helpful and not necessary. After 2 days of weaving, you will have a ...

Hearth Broom with Sandy VanPatten

Union Bay Folk School Building 107th Engineers Memorial Hwy, Ontonagon, MI, United States

Decorate your hearth or just a wall with a handmade piece of functional art. You will be working with full length broom corn and your choice of a large variety of reed and nylon string to tie your broom onto a natural driftwood handle. Some arm and hand strength is ...


Artist Presentation: Jessica Bohus

Porcupine Mountains

Jessica will be making plants and animals using wire and pliers. She once was a glass blower and likes that how she creates now requires less of everything- space, assistance, tools, time & money- one tool, one spool and hands! If you are attending the Porcupine Mountains Music Festival on ...


Beginning Watercolor Painting on Aquabord Claybord Canvas with Patricia Tinney: Session 1 of 2

Union Bay Folk School Building 107th Engineers Memorial Hwy, Ontonagon, MI, United States

This beginning watercolor class is the perfect choice if you have always dreamed of painting but have never tried. The two-day course will cover all basic techniques specific to the watercolor media on Aquabord, and you will put techniques into practice to create a painting on site in the Porkies! ...


Beginning Watercolor Painting on Aquabord Claybord Canvas with Patricia Tinney: Session 2 of 2

Union Bay Folk School Building 107th Engineers Memorial Hwy, Ontonagon, MI, United States

This beginning watercolor class is the perfect choice if you have always dreamed of painting but have never tried. The two-day course will cover all basic techniques specific to the watercolor media on Aquabord, and you will put techniques into practice to create a painting on site in the Porkies! ...

Continuous Weave Black Ash Basket with April Stone

Union Bay Folk School Building 107th Engineers Memorial Hwy, Ontonagon, MI, United States

We will begin our morning by watching a brief demo of log pounding and splitting. April will then guide you as you create a continuous weave Black Ash basket, a process that incorporates knife scraping and cutting of splints. The woven Basket will measure approximately 6”x6”x6”. The basketry process you ...


Trees in Threes for Adults with Sandi Van Sistine

Union Bay Folk School Building 107th Engineers Memorial Hwy, Ontonagon, MI, United States

You will learn how to really "look at," examine, and describe the characteristics of your unique tree using your own tree photo or available reference photos.  Then you will use pen and ink to draw your tree using quick movements, next paint a looser version in watercolors, and finally paint ...


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