The Park
Visit the Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park, a.k.a. The Porkies, to experience its majestic forests, striking geologic formations, wildlife, waterfalls and outstanding wilderness opportunities. In 1942, the legendary Aldo Leopold advocated for preservation of “The Great Uncut,” and in 1945 the Michigan legislature dedicated 60,000 acres as a Michigan State Park. Within the park you will find natural beauty, 90 miles of rugged backcountry trails, 25 miles of wave-washed Lake Superior shores, four inland lakes, entire river systems, countless waterfalls, enchanting wooded peaks, and an escarpment, which rises slowly from the edge of Lake Superior until it plummets abruptly into the Carp River Valley. For a true Porkies experience be sure to hike into the old growth forest of eastern hemlock and northern hardwoods, the reason for the creation of the park.
The Porcupine Mountains’ cultural history begins with the Native Americans, who named the escarpment peaks after the crouched woodland porcupines they resemble. Europeans first came to the area in search of furs. Fifteen years before the Civil War, miners searched for copper in these mountains and the landlookers soon followed, cruising the forests for pine and cedar. Establishment of the park insured the preservation one of the last extensive pieces of unspoiled wilderness in the Midwest.
The Park offers a wide variety of activities for the outdoor enthusiast including hiking, camping, fishing, canoeing, swimming, mountain biking and Alpine and Nordic skiing. This is four season recreation at its finest.